High School and College Success Programs

Teens (Age 13-17)
Bayside High School – Pool, Forest Hills High School, Martin Van Buren High School
Students from the International High School posing for a picture in front of the Pan American building.


Commonpoint Queens takes pride in preparing our youth to be future leaders, implementing a wide-variety of social and academic programs at several high schools throughout the borough, as well as our Youth Opportunity Hub in Jamaica. We offer job readiness, SAT Prep, college essay help, college tours, group counseling and more!

For more information on these programs, please contact Danielle Glick, Assistant Vice President of High School and College Success, at DGlick@Commonpointqueens.org.

Our Programs

College Access is a one-stop shop for supporting high school students in grades 9th – 12th with post-secondary planning. Our program focuses on creating a culture that enhances exploration. These activities include but do not limit to college tours & trips; information sessions with colleges and other post-secondary options; workshops to complete college applications; support students with building a college list and essay; providing information on financial aid, scholarships, opportunity programs, and more. Overall, our aim is to ensure that each student has a clear attainable postgraduate plan before graduation whether that is college, enrolling in a certificate program, trade school, vocational school, military, gap year, or employment. We work to prepare our students through their transition in the best way possible to ensure overall success.

These services are available in-person at our Youth Opportunity Hub, 82-17 Parsons Blvd, Jamaica, NY 11432, Monday through Friday 4pm – 5:30pm either 1:1 and/or in small groups with an advisor.

If you are interested, please complete our interest form and an advisor will reach out to them with more information as well as next steps to participate in our program.

For more information, contact Corina Liu at CLiu@commonpointqueens.org.

College Persistence

The Persistence Program is a continuation of services for an additional 4 years for students that participated in College Access. The student-centered program is geared towards supporting our recent program graduates through the transition into their post-secondary plan. Our goal is to ensure our students are equipped with the skills necessary to succeed. It focuses on individual needs and supports will be targeted toward our student’s expectations. This involves monthly check-ins, participation in alumni activities, access to internships, jobs, services, and more.

For more information, contact Corina Liu at CLiu@commonpointqueens.org or call  (718) 719-9229 ext. 104.

Community School Initiatives

Commonpoint Queens partners with Martin Van Buren High School to offer a variety of services and programming to students, families, school staff, and the greater community. Our Community School team works closely with the school to offer school wide programming, attendance interventions, mental health counseling, community service opportunities, mentoring and field trips. Our goal is to increase attendance, school participation and strengthen the sense of belonging and community. Some programming includes; yoga/mindfulness, creative arts, guest speakers to conduct workshops, basketball tournaments, Paint Nite, professional developments for school staff, and college access workshops and individual support for all grades. 

For more information, please contact Samentha Jean-Charles, LPMHC, Assistant Director of Community Schools (718) 704-7609 or sjeancharles@commonpointqueens.org 

My Brother’s Keeper & My Sister’s Keeper

My Brother’s Keeper (MBK) and My Sister’s Keeper (MSK). MBK and MSK both  provide mentoring to young men and women of color to reduce chronic absenteeism, improve academic achievement, community involvement, and leadership development. This program is sponsored through the generosity and valued partnership with NYC Community Schools.

For more information, please contact Nefertiti Francis at nfrancis@commonpointqueens.org

A.C.E. Program: Achieving and Creating Excellence

The A.C.E program allows students in their freshman and sophomore years to gain skills needed for their success in high school and beyond. By partnering with a quality and engaging staff during their transition into High School, ACE students are set up for continued support through critical services such as individual and group counseling. Students have a safe space to meet with a counselor one on one to address personal and/or academic concerns. Counselors work to promote positive social emotional growth amongst the students and provide regular and ongoing communication with parents and families. Through participation in ACE, students have access to team-building and educational trips, peer groups, peer tutoring, after school activities, and more. This program is sponsored through the generosity and valued partnership of the NYC Department of Youth and Community Development.

For more information, please contact Michelle Nesfield, Program Coordinator at (718) 776-4728 ext 5503 or mnesfield@commonpointqueens.org

Level Up Program

The Level Up program is designed to provide high school students with opportunities to create, plan and implement their own community service projects and events both within the school and out within the community. Each group member will be encouraged to develop a strong knowledge of effective teamwork, as well as hone their critical thinking skills within a safe and supportive environment of their peers. This is an amazing opportunity to allow students to find their voice and work to make a difference within their school community.

For more information, please contact Samentha Jean-Charles, LPMHC, Assistant Director of Community Schools (718) 704-7609 or sjeancharles@commonpointqueens.org 

Leaders of Tomorrow (LOT)

Leaders of Tomorrow (LOT) is designed for high school students who are in need of community support. LOT is in partnership with social workers and psychotherapists that will provide resources to address needs to all students. LOT will help with transition points in student’s lives by creating groups and individual counseling for those who present hardships.

Leaders of Tomorrow will support students at MVB focus on relationship building, career building, life-skill building, mentorship building and social emotional building. LOT will provide students with essential life-skills, anger management, conflict resolution, coping mechanisms, and life-threatening behaviors. Students will learn to become accountable for their success in the classroom and in their lives beyond school.

For more information, please contact Michell Marin, M.S. – Program Director at (718) 776-4728 ext 5504 or mmarin@commonpointqueens.org

S.O.A.R. Program: Student Opportunities for Achievement and Readiness

Commonpoint Queens provides a school-based counseling program for juniors and seniors to help improve students’ attendance, academic performance, and their social and emotional well-being. S.O.A.R. takes a holistic and comprehensive approach in addressing the various needs of our students and providing them with the skills and tools they need to learn and grow. The SOAR program leverages all resources and referrals to ensure quality and individualized care for each of our students. Participants are given consistent encouragement and support in a safe environment to keep them on track towards graduation and prepare them for life beyond high school. Students are provided with access to individual counseling, group counseling, academic advisement, college and career readiness, peer tutoring, family outreach, and field trips.

For more information, please contact Anacaona Nedge Antoine, Assistant Community School Director, High School & College Success at AAntione@commonpointqueens.org

We wanted to share this video that a friend at “West Elm” created, to reflect on our S.O.A.R. program’s Beautification Day at Martin Van Buren H.S. Check out these “Before” and “After” pictures, and enjoy the transformation:

CASE Academy

The CASE Academy allows students in their Freshman and Sophomore years to gain skills needed for their success in High School and beyond. By partnering with a quality and engaging staff during their transition into High School, CASE students are set up for continued support through critical services such as individual and group counseling. Students have a safe space to meet with a Counselor Advocate one on one to address personal and/or academic concerns. Counselor Advocates work to promote positive social emotional growth amongst the students and provide regular and ongoing communication with parents and families. Through participation in the CASE Academy, students in Forest Hills High School have access to team-building and educational trips, peer groups, peer tutoring, after school activities, and more. This program is sponsored through the generosity and valued partnership of the NYC Department of Youth and Community Development.

For more information, please contact Melissa Roy, MSW, Program Coordinator at (718) 268-3137 ext 5651 or MRoy@Commonpointqueens.org

CASE 2.0

Commonpoint Queens is partnering with Forest Hills High School to provide an extended day program aimed at helping students improve their academic performance and increase their overall school attendance. Counselor Advocates work closely with families and school administration to provide individual and group counseling, along with credit bearing courses in key subject areas, to reduce chronic absence among High School students. Our interventions and services assist with helping students remain on track for grade promotion and timely graduation. This program is funded by the New York State Education Department.

For more information, please contact Elisa Patitucci, MSW, Counselor Advocate at (718) 268-3137 ext 5653 or epatitucci@commonpointqueens.org

Call us at 718-286-8000 x1539

Future Forward Program

The Future Forward Program goal is to help students and families foster healthy relationships with each other, peers, school, and the greater community. Future Forward partners with John Bowne High School and community organizations to support the school goals of decreasing chronic absenteeism, enhancing and increasing availability of social-learning support, and removing barriers to student success to boost graduation progress.The program offers day and after school activities focused on skill-building, academic support, wellness, and college and career readiness so that students can gain skills, increase their self esteem, and engage in a supportive community. Future Forward after school programming includes a range of activities including Dance, Cooking, Creative Arts, My Sister’s Keeper and My Brother’s Keeper, College Preparation, Healthy Living, Sports, Yoga, Performing Arts/Acting, Creative Writing, Business/Leadership, Mindfulness/Stress Relief, Tutoring, Life Skills, and Mentorship.

Future Forward also offers: Counseling and a Safe Space to students during their lunch period to ensure their emotional wellbeing, monthly participant Town Hall meetings to foster community, family workshops to encourage parent & family engagement, and fun events that celebrate the diversity and skills of our students. Overnight and day trips to educational and team building venues help round out this comprehensive program and are quality incentives to encourage students to increase school attendance and program participation. The Future Forward Program is funded through the NYC Office of Community Schools.

For more information, please contact Nefertiti Francis, Community School Director, at NFrancis@commonpointqueens.org

It Takes A Village (ITAV) Program

The It Takes A Village targets youth in grades 9-12 who attend John Bowne High School and who have a grade point average of 75 or below, a failing grade in one or more subjects, or who are chronically absent from school. The coaches of the ITAV program work with participants individually to overcome the barriers to their educational success. Every student develops an individualized service plan complete with goals for the school year around attendance, academic performance, and program participation and these goals are supported through the coaches and the support system throughout the school (teachers, guidance counselors, deans, etc). Participants also have the opportunity to earn monetary incentive payments for key performance improvements such as a GPA increase or decrease in their number of school absences, as well as have the opportunity to participate in a 6 week PAID internship opportunity only available to participants of the ITAV program. ITAV day and afterschool activities include Adulting 101, College Access, Youth Advocacy and Leadership, “Our Voices” and “Let’s Talk About It” group SEL workshops, field trips, and more.

For more information, please contact Mildred Andaluz at MAndaluz@commonpointqueens.org

Bound For Success (BFS) Program

The Bound for Success Program is designed to meet the needs of students by delivering a holistic approach. Counselors in the Bound For Success Program work within the student’s support network to strengthen the student’s capacity to actualize their full potential. Students enrolled in The Bound For Success Program receive all encompassing support at a critical stage in life. The Bound For Success Program is a safe and inclusive community that supports students through counseling, academic advisement, programs selected by participants, parent involvement, after school workshops, community service, college & career readiness, and academic support.

Some of the services offered by the Bound For Success program include:

  • Student Nominated Clubs and Groups
  • Team-building and Educational Trips
  • Incentive Celebrations
  • Employment Support
  • Individual Counseling
  • Individual Academic Advisement
  • Group Counseling
  • Academic Support
  • Mindfulness and Meditation
  • Community Service Opportunities
  • College Preparation and Support

For more information, please contact Nadia Bilodeau, Program Coordinator at nbilodeau@Commonpointqueens.org

Community Schools Initiative

Commonpoint Queens partners with Queens Academy High School to offer a plethora of support services and programming to students, families, and the greater community. Our Community School team works closely with the school to offer school wide programming, attendance interventions, mental health counseling, community service opportunities, mentoring and field trips. Our goal is to increase attendance, school participation and strengthen the sense of belonging and community. Some programming includes; SEDOS, a basketball team, a baseball team, professional developments for school staff, and college access workshops and individual support for all grades. Another programs offered is the Learn To Work (LTW) program, funded through our partnership with the DOE and works with the entire student body to help foster individual growth and pathways to graduation and post secondary placement.

Learn to Work Program

The Learn To Work (LTW) program is our division’s newest program located at a NYC DOE transfer school, Queens Academy. LTW is funded through our partnership with the DOE and works with the entire student body to help foster individual growth and pathways to graduation and post secondary placement.

Our program design includes two specific tracks for students to engage in- a post secondary track and a work readiness track. Each track works to meet the needs and presents barriers each student faces that has prevented them from reaching their full potential. Students engage in weekly psycho-educational workshops twice per week as well as individual sessions as needed with their designated LTW counselor.

Participants on the college pathway receive individualized sessions as well as group sessions catering to the application process, financial aid and scholarship opportunities. Our work readiness track prepares our participants for job placement and each student who completes the required workshop series and reaches their attendance goal is eligible for an LTW internship.

In addition, our team works closely with all school staff and CBO partners to improve school culture and attendance.

For more information, please contact Nicholas Monteleone, Learn to Work Director at (718) 704-8103 or NMonteleone@Commonpointqueens.org

Learn & Earn

The Learn & Earn program is a multifaceted program with an array of services funded through the Department of Youth and Community Development through the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act. This program serves an at risk population and participants must meet eligibility requirements in order to be enrolled which can include low-income barriers and individuals with disabilities. This intensive program engages participants beginning in their Junior year and follows them through their first year of college. Program enrollment is limited and begins in April and closes in August.

The program includes elements of work readiness, college readiness, service learning, leadership development, job placement and comprehensive guidance and counseling. Participants engage in weekly group sessions, leadership retreat experiences, college tours and more!

Enrollment for Learn & Earn begins in April of a student’s Sophomore year and concludes in late August/early September before entering Junior standing.  Students must meet eligibility criteria and maintain a two year program commitment.

For more information, please contact Jessica Tichauer at jtichauer@commonpointqueens.org


The G.O.A.L.S. program offers extended day services for freshman and sophomores at the Queens High School of Teaching.  The purpose of this program is to help students properly transition and gain the skills necessary to succeed in high school and beyond. This program offers a wide variety of programming such as academic support, tutoring, group and individual counseling, college and career readiness, community service, and recreational activities. Some of these activities include, culinary arts, yoga/mindfulness, and creative arts.  Through participation in the G.O.A.L.S. program, students also have access to attend educational and recreational field trips, and more. This program is sponsored by the generosity of the New York State Education Department.

For more information, please contact Elizabeth McArdle, LCSW, Senior Director, at (718) 736-7100 ext 1243 or EMcArdle@Commonpointqueens.org

The Extended School Day program offers extended day services for students at Benjamin N. Cardozo High School. The purpose of this program is to help students properly transition and gain the skills necessary to succeed in high school and beyond. This program offers a wide variety of programming such as academic support, tutoring, group and individual counseling, college and career readiness, community service, and recreational activities. Some of these activities include culinary arts, yoga/mindfulness, and creative arts. Through participation in the Extended School Day program, students also have access to attend educational and recreational field trips, and more. This program is sponsored by the generosity of the New York State Education Department.

For more information, please contact Andy Gavora, LMSW, Program Director at agavora@commonpointqueens.org, or Kimberly Figueroa, Counselor Advocate, Kfigueroa@commonpointqueens.org

The Extended School Day program offers extended day services for students at Veritas Academy High School. The purpose of this program is to help students properly transition and gain the skills necessary to succeed in high school and beyond. This program offers a wide variety of programming such as academic support, tutoring, group and individual counseling, college and career readiness, community service, and recreational activities. Some of these activities include culinary arts, yoga/mindfulness, and creative arts. Through participation in the Extended School Day program, students also have access to attend educational and recreational field trips, and more. This program is sponsored by the generosity of the New York State Education Department.

For more information, please contact Frances Ramos, Program Coordinator at Framos@commonpointqueens.org

The Extended School Day program offers extended day services for students at Newcomers High School. The purpose of this program is to help students properly transition and gain the skills necessary to succeed in high school and beyond. This program offers a wide variety of programming such as academic support, tutoring, group and individual counseling, college and career readiness, community service, and recreational activities. Some of these activities include culinary arts, yoga/mindfulness, and creative arts. Through participation in the Extended School Day program, students also have access to attend educational and recreational field trips, and more. This program is sponsored by the generosity of the New York State Education Department.

For more information, please contact Maria Karameros at mkarameros@commonpointqueens.org

The Extended School Day program offers extended day services for students at Richmond Hill High School. The purpose of this program is to help students properly transition and gain the skills necessary to succeed in high school and beyond. This program offers a wide variety of programming such as academic support, tutoring, group and individual counseling, college and career readiness, community service, and recreational activities. Some of these activities include culinary arts, yoga/mindfulness, and creative arts. Through participation in the Extended School Day program, students also have access to attend educational and recreational field trips, and more. This program is sponsored by the generosity of the New York State Education Department.

For more information, please contact Isiss Ali at iali@commonpointqueens.org

The Career Ready SYEP & WLG programs are an exciting connection of academic enrichment and career exploration. The program is designed to provide professional development opportunities as well as the work readiness skills required to participate in a successful employment experience. Previous worksites that we have partnered with include Walgreens Pharmacy, Edible Arrangements, The New York Hall of Science, The Museum of the Moving Image, The Queens Courier and many more!

Career Ready SYEP is a 6 week internship program that takes place in July and August. Applicants must be current students of Pan American International High School and between the ages of 14 and 21 years old while being authorized to work in the United States.

Career Ready Work, Learn and Grow takes place between October and March and is available to Pan American International High School Students who participated in Career Ready SYEP the summer leading into the start of the school year. The program offers College Readiness courses in association with CUNY, Skill Building, Career Exploration and, similarly to SYEP, a paid internship experience.

For more information, please contact Magaly Avelino, Program Director at mavelino@commonpointqueens.org

Did you know?

Our wide variety of programs are available throughout the New York City Metropolitan Area! Browse our list of facilities to learn more about our core locations and program sites.