Good Dogs!: Karin Tanenbaum’s Parker and Skylar

Karin Tanenbaum brings her dogs, Parker and Skylar, to visit with us. Sometimes they meet with members of our adult day care for older adults with Alzheimer’s disease or related memory disorders. They also surprise our nursery school for a very special event. Other visits are with members of our after school for children with developmental disabilities.
First, they show us some of their tricks like “giving 5,” spinning and rolling over. The reactions are immediate and priceless. Ryan is developmentally disabled and said, “I want to hug him. How do I hug him?” So they showed him… and then he did. It’s hard to explain the enormity of that simple action, but it means more than words can describe.
Everyone had the chance to pet the dogs. Initially, some were a little scared of how big the dogs were, but their gentleness and soft fur eventually won everyone over.
“My mother came home from Respite today and was smiling and talking. She told me about the dogs’ visit that day. She hadn’t spoken for the longest time. Maybe it was seeing or petting the dogs, it doesn’t matter, it brought back my mother.”
There were smiles, giggles, and lots of love when our visitors gave kisses. Thank you to Karin for coming; we love when you visit!