2 min read

Finding a place like Commonpoint Queens in the city is a small miracle

Finding a place like Commonpoint Queens in the City is a small miracle.

We have been coming here since my daughter was in gym classes and Totally Tots with the parenting center at nine months old, and now she does everything from Explorer Day Camp to swim lessons. Our daughter is shy but the staff and friends she has made have helped her break out of her shell, and she and her friend even led the candle lighting one night during the virtual Chanukah celebration last year for the whole community. We knew we wanted the same experience for our son, and now he is also in the 2s class in nursery school.

During the COVID-19 pandemic we still felt a sense of community and that Erica and all of the teachers cared about us even when we couldn’t be in person. The communication between the Early Childhood team and the parents did not stop – our daughter’s teachers called us to check in and sent us worksheets to continue her learning. We were so grateful that we were able to send our daughter to camp that summer. She felt safe and happy, and we did too knowing this.

The teachers, staff, security guards, and maintenance staff know us by name and we are treated like treasured family. Everyone is professional yet warm and caring. Our children thrive every day in nursery, swim, camp, and now in after school. They have made best friends and so have we.

It’s more than community, it’s family.

– Espinosa family


COMMONPOINT QUEENS is dedicated to sustaining and enhancing the quality of individual, family and communal life throughout Queens County and surrounding areas, by providing services to people of all ages, ability levels, stages of life and backgrounds.


Click here to read about others who have had their lives transformed at Commonpoint Queens.


If you would like to make a donation in support of Commonpoint Queens, please visit www.commonpoint.org/donate or contact Judy at jvladimir@commonpointqueens.org.